
Palms soft, unwithered from hard work

Paper and pen are witness to your strain

Don’t you worry, your effort’s not in vain.
Stubborn with concern, yet you stand strong, unconsumed. Your conscience is overpowering, yet you remain unconcieted.

Don’t you worry, success is self control and constancy

Not to live this life and advance it in joy

Victory and glory is an old ploy, used to fool those cowering into tools of greed
Don’t you worry, your hopes will soon be real

Just don’t forget how to forgive and feel

Keep living 

Let yourself cry

Stop saying you are weak

Stop saying you are strong 

Because if you break, 

You’ll deflect ur self to weakness 

And if you shake the world

You’ll grow into delusional arrogance 

You are neither weak nor strong

You are human and have one job 

That is to keep living

Whether you fall 

And hurt

Or rise high and 

Become a star

Good things and bad things 

Will always race to get you

Patience in the past 

Sabr is knowing your value

And not giving up or giving in

It’s to believe that Allah is there for you

Regardless of what others claim your sin

Perhaps you have no control in this world

But you have the universe to call your friend

And those who have already reached their end

because although they are memories,  you remember them.

So remember their efforts in turbulence

And how they waited for droughts to sprout the sea

Or for shackles to be removed only to become king on a throne

You are witness to their stories and you are witness to your own

you have paths to follow from the past

And knowledge to understand your own

So be patient and be free

And keep climbing until you reach the other side

Because your real treasure lies in the shadows, beyond what any human can see

Motto for Living in a Trump Era

nothing better than getting a healthy dose of the Masjid at times like this( Trump Era) This is what I have to share after listening to a lecture by some really awesome learned scholar phD dude, a brilliant educator of our young Imam.  This isnt all what the lecturer said, rather it’s my reflection and way of relating it to myself.
1) change our focus from falling for our desires, trying to get more of everything we want. more of our distractions, more of the shiny things, more of excess -basically anything -that signifies wealth for you.  the excess. the  extravagance.  the greed.   Be real with yourself and what matters
2) dont let circumstances make you take away your consideration for others. care for others, help others, ponder about others and their pains and how you can be there for them, expand unity beyond your personal borders.

3) bare through it patiently. it’s gonna be hard, scary, and ugly but we have to be our best especially in this time. no matter how much you wanna go off on someone, you gotta play it cool bc that’s what will hit the hardest if you wanna win. cuz the point of this all is that you wanna win and you cant win without controlling yourself and being humble